owl in flight

“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Spring Forward with Your Creative Work

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 3/18/2013.

Theme, Queen of Coins. Coins is the element of earth, resources in the physical realm. This Queen has the ability to take the resources around her, create something beautiful from them and then use them to nurture others. This is your role for the week. To be aware of the beauty you create, and how those creations nurture others and yourself.

Focus, The World. You’ve arrived at the end of a creative stage, journey or process that has allowed you to know more about who you are and what you do. How are you going to share your creations and yourself with the World? A show or exhibit? Publication? Social Media? How?

Action, Death. With the Spring Equinox on Wednesday, we arrive at the end of the astrological year. The old gives way to the new. Clean out the cobwebs and detritus of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual creative space so that something new can grow and bloom. Let go.

Gift, The Emperor. Because, we move from Pisces this week into the sign of Aries and The Emperor. Here’s the gift of a power that mobilizes you to take charge, to lead with your creative vision and ideas. You can feel the creative sap rising. Accept its gift of energy and forward motion.

One Response

  1. This is SO on target this week Paula!
    Thank you for sharing what lets me know I’m right on track!!
    Your readings always substantiate what is going on in my world and gives me more confidence to keep moving forward.
    You ROCK 🙂