owl in flight

“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Time for Focused Work on a Creative Project

Monday Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 6/17/2013.

Theme, 3 of Coins.  Three is the number of growth, change and creativity.  So the theme for this week is to make time for focusing on your current creative project, especially in ways that will manifest that project physically, since Coins is the suit of the element of Earth, anything you can touch, taste or feel.  So look for opportunities this week to go into your creative space and get into your creative flow.

Focus, The Devil.  This Major Arcana card comes up in movies and books all the time as a card to be afraid of,  that something bad is imminent.  So let’s look at what the Fool is doing in this card.  Even though the Devil holds the symbols of the elements of earth, air, fire and water, over his head, the Fool won’t see what resources are available to him because he doesn’t want to look at what might be scary, powerful, dark, powerful, rule-breaking, powerful.  Get the message?  Where are you losing power and possibility because you refuse to look what appears to be scary or dark?

Action, 3 of Swords.  Another 3.  Another opportunity for growth and change and creativity.  IF… if you can grieve and let go of loss, insult, and injury.  This week, make time and space for a ritual of cleansing.  Cry, shower, bathe, smudge.  Write down the negative messages and burn them. Release.

Gift, The Chariot.  For in the letting go, the dropping away of hurts and grief that you’ve carried, a willingness to face your fears, comes the gift of clarity around your creative goals.  Success with speed is yours.

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