Commit to the Creative Journey to Achieve Success

MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 9/12/2022. Theme, The Chariot. This Major Arcana card is about speed, i.e. forward momentum. The key to building forward momentum as the charioteer is to know where you want to go and then commit to the creative journey. This week, be aware of moments when you might feel your […]

The Thrill of the Ride

With the warm weather of the last few weeks, hubby Bob has taken me out for several MGB rides. If you aren’t a car enthusiast, an MGB is a British sports car manufactured by the British Motor Corporation. As you can see, it is a two-door roadster with a convertible top, a modern-day version of […]

Champion Your Creative Work

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 1/19/2015 Theme, Knight of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, feelings, dreams, intuitions and creativity. The Knight is the one who serves and protects the realm with all the resources and training he has at hand. This week, look for opportunities to champion […]

Time for Focused Work on a Creative Project

Monday Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 6/17/2013. Theme, 3 of Coins.  Three is the number of growth, change and creativity.  So the theme for this week is to make time for focusing on your current creative project, especially in ways that will manifest that project physically, since Coins is the suit […]