Leave the Past Behind and Start on that New Creative Project
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/30/23 Theme, 8 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, and creativity. Eight is a number of movement and nearing completion. This week, it’s time to allow yourself to let go of creative projects that aren’t going anywhere. Instead, look ahead, […]
Overwhelmed? Exhausted? Drop the Creative Load.
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 2/7/2022 Theme, 10 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. Ten is a tipping point of tying up loose ends and preparing to begin again. This week, it’s time to look for opportunities to drop the creative load, let […]
Time for First Steps on that Creative Idea
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 12/13/2021 Theme, Ace of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, and wealth, anything physical. Ace is the new beginning, the seed holding all potential and possibility. This seed of your creative idea is ready to emerge from the dark, to move from […]
Balance Your Creative Time, Energy, and Money
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 9/13/2021. Theme, 6 of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, wealth, and anything physical. Six is about the balance of power, here the balance of resources. Are you getting back from your creative work, through sales and other rewards, what you put […]
What is the Destination for Your Creative Work?
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/27/2020 Theme, The Chariot. This Major Arcana card urges you to be aware of where you want to go this week. What is the destination for your creative work? The Charioteer stands confident, her hands lightly on the reins, because she sees her path clearly. It doesn’t matter if […]
Plant New Creative Seeds and Nurture Their Growth
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/20/2020 Theme, Ace of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, and wealth, anything physical. Ace in the tarot is the beginning of the suits. Here, it is the seed holding all potential and possibility. This week, look for opportunities to plant new […]
Are You Focusing on Your Creative Work?
MONNDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 12/16/2019 Theme, 7 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, intuition and creativity. Seven is a number of action or contemplation of action or imagination. This week, pay attention to whether or not you are focusing on your creative work or […]
Drop the Creative Load & Recapture Enthusiasm
MONNDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/14/2019 Theme, 10 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career and work. Ten is a number of finishing and preparing to begin again. Look for opportunities this week to drop the creative load you’ve been carrying for far too long. One […]
Finished, not Perfect is the Goal
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 5/27/2019 Theme, 10 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. Ten is the tipping point between finishing up and beginning anew. This card is a repeat from last week, stressing to you that it is time to let go […]
You have to End to Begin Anew
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 5/20/2019 Theme, 10 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career and work. Ten is the tipping point between finishing up and beginning anew. This week, be aware of projects or work that has weighed you down long enough. Realize that you […]