owl in flight

“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Gratitude for Your Abundant Creative Gifts


Theme, 9 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, intuition, creativity. Nine is a number of completion and intensity. See all those filled cups and the abundant fruit? Symbols of your creativity and creative gives. This week, be aware of how your creativity is a gift to you AND others. ‘Tis the season for gratitude.

Focus, 10 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career and work. Ten is a number of recovering from the previous journey or stage and preparing for the next. It’s also a number of excess. Here you see the poor man so weighed down by his creative responsibilities that he is crawling on his belly. This week, ask yourself where you have allowed a creative project to take you over to the extent that your back is bent beneath it, your belly is to the ground. Ask if it is time to express gratitude for the idea and the work, then put that project or responsibility down so that you can recover and have energy and desire to begin anew.

Action, 8 of Wands. Again, Wands is the element of Fire. All that passion and creative energy of Wands, in the Eight is in sift motion. See Sagittarius in the background? Sagittarius is an explorer, a traveler, which is what your work wants to do. Even if it isn’t completed, it is time to prepare for the launch of that project. Take action this week to pull back on the bowstring, with gratitude.

Gift, 7 of Wands. The third Wands for this week. The Seven brings you the opportunity to let you and your creative work have the spotlight. So be ready to receive the gift of letting your work shine. No false modesty. Feel the gratitude and the pride and…Shine.