owl in flight

“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Time to Write “The End” on Your Creative Project?


Theme, 9 of Wands Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. Nine is approaching completion. This week, you are encouraged to put “The End” on a current project that you might have been dragging out, worried that it isn’t perfect yet, or that it will be rejected or criticized. It’s tiring you out and keeping you from doing other creative work. Draw the line. Finish it.

Focus, 7 of Cups.Cups is the element of Water in the realm of emotions, dreams, intuition and creativity. Sevens are action or the contemplation of it. Here, the contemplation is more distraction or daydreaming. What is your creative focus this week? Is it to finish the current project, to write “The End”? Start a new one? Are you daydreaming or planning? Where is your focus? Are you letting yourself be easily distracted?

Action, Justice. This Major Arcana card suggests that you use this week to create more balance between your inner world and your outer world in terms of your creative work. Too much daydreaming or worrying about perfection won’t get you anywhere. Too much writing or creating without listening to your intuition or dreams will be dry. You want to create balance by moving back and forth between the two, which helps you put “The End” on that current project.

Gift, Knight of Wands Wands again, all about creativity, career, and work. This fierce Knight has the tools and training to do what must be done to protect and serve the realm. Your realm is your creative work. Look for the gift of someone in your circle who wants to champion your work. Or, look for an opportunity to do it yourself, and to do it with passion and purpose.