owl in flight

Focus on the Practical Details of Your Creative Work

MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 7/20/2020 Theme, 2 of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, and wealth, anything physical. Two is a number of choice, decision, partnership and balance. This Fool is well-balanced on his bicycle, pedaling along on top of the water. His focus is on […]

Let Your Leo Creativity Free

Monday was a solar eclipse in the sign of Leo, the sign of the Sun, the sign of creativity, passion, generosity, confidence and leadership. The sign, that in Shakespeare’s words, says, “All the world’s a stage.” In the tarot, two Major Arcana cards embody the energy of the sign of Leo, Strength and the Sun. […]

Ready to Turn Up the Heat?

Fire is a good companion for the mind. ~ May Sarton ~ Fire. Not the element you’d normally associate with spring. And yet, if it wasn’t for the heat, the fire of that ever-nearing sun warming the Northern Hemisphere, snow and ice wouldn’t melt and fill the rivers, and lakes. And the moisture in the […]