Commit to the Creative Journey to Achieve Success

MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 9/12/2022. Theme, The Chariot. This Major Arcana card is about speed, i.e. forward momentum. The key to building forward momentum as the charioteer is to know where you want to go and then commit to the creative journey. This week, be aware of moments when you might feel your […]

Are You Showing Up and Suiting Up?

This week I watched one of those videos that gets passed around on FaceBook because of its emotional impact. It’s about a young man with autism who loved basketball and attended a high school in upstate New York. He joined his high school basketball team, not as a player, but as a coach’s assistant. He […]

Creative Resources and Tools in Place?

Tarot Focus, Knight of Wands.  8/29/12. Do you have the creative resources, equipment and tools you need to go out into the world with your creative work? Do you have the passion and energy you need? What about your confidence and determination? Hard to get out there and be of service and fight for your […]