owl in flight

“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Step Over Hurts and Disappointments


Theme, 5 of Cups. Five is a challenging number, a tipping point. Will you meet the challenge or surrender? Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, feelings, emotions, dreams, intuitions and creativity. This week, look at where you find yourself feeling like your back is against the wall, wanting to protect what you can still hold onto rather than stepping up and stepping out and taking risks with your creative work. No one wants to be hurt or disappointed but sitting with your back to the wall will get you–and your creative work–no where.

Focus, Ace of Cups. One way to get away from that wall is to focus on your creative work. Ask yourself, “What is the creative project or dream that is close to my heart and is just waiting to emerge?” Is that what will make you leave the protection and security of that wall?

Action, 9 of Cups. Nine is the number of ending, finishing, tying up loose ends. All these beautiful cups of creative projects and dreams. Release the ones that you need to release, take action on the ones just waiting for your attention. The way to get your wish is to take action on it.

Gift, Magician. What a gift for this week. Starting off from a place of feeling hopeless and without possibility to a reminder that you are the Magician. You know how to take ideas and make them real. You can do this. And look for others in your circle who can help you manifest all those amazing creative energies and possibilities.