owl in flight

“The ultimate call of the Muses in contemporary life is to live a creative and authentic life.” Angeles Arrien

Launching, Crafting, Releasing. It’s All About the 3’s.

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 11/4/2013

Theme, Justice. See the two women in their dark and light gowns? One carries scrolls, the other holds a sword. The theme for the week is balance, balance between the inner world and the outer one, balance between thought and action especially as relates to your creative work. Work with that idea of movement back and forth between one and the other.

Focus, 3 of Wands. Wands is the element of fire, spirit, creativity, career, work. Look at the airship in the sky and the figure below. Are you waiting for your creative ship to come in or are you launching your work out into the world? Sometimes waiting is the thing to do. Sometimes it isn’t. What are you doing this week? What is needed for the life of your work?

Action, 3 of Coins. Coins is the element of earth, home, health, wealth. It’s the physical aspect. So look for time this week to settle into your workspace and make something manifest. Give yourself over to the shaping and crafting of something beautiful.

Gift, 3 of Swords. Swords, the element of air, mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communications, is the most challenging of the suits, and this card doesn’t look like much of a gift. But, if you can let go of negative communications, including self-talk, you can discover the love available for you and your work. That’s a gift.