Stay Focused on Your Creative Priority

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 9/18/17 Theme, 7 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, intuition and creativity. Seven is a number in the tarot of action, awareness, a creative force. This week, be aware of the temptation to be distracted by projects or ideas that […]

Collaborate in Your Creative Work

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/17/2017. Theme, 2 of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, intuition and creativity. Two is often a number of partnership and collaboration. This week, look for opportunities to collaborate in your creative work because it has the power to strengthen and […]

Welcome the Limitations—Yours or Theirs

The enemy of art is the absence of limitations. ~ Orson Welles ~ In the tarot, the Major Arcana card 10 is The Wheel of Fortune. This card is usually about the turn of the Wheel, i.e. the change in fortune or life for the better. Cards from a variety of decks show a wheel […]

Creativity is Change—Stay Centered

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, JUNE 13, 2015 Theme, Wheel of Fortune. A Major Arcana card, the Wheel is all about change and time. So is creativity, which is all about change and time. Jupiter, the big benefic that makes everything grander and larger, is a sign of good fortune. So, if things have […]

Do You Know How to Draw a Circle? Will You?

In many earth-based spiritual practices, someone who is entering into ritual or leading one for others, will begin by drawing a circle. The purpose of the circle is to create a boundary—”a line marking the limits of an area, territory, etc.” In ritual, the purpose of that boundary is to create a separation between the […]

Bring Sacred Love to Your Creativity

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse Theme, The Lovers. A Major Arcana card, this card speaks about Spirit, Love, and the integration of opposites–masculine/feminine, spiritual/physical, sacred/secular. Be aware this week of bringing that greater Love into everything you do in your creative work. Manifesting your Love for your ideas, your work and your clients works […]

Commit to Your Creative Project

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 1/13/2014 Theme, 4 of Wands. Wands is the element of fire, of passion, will, spirit, and creativity. This week, look for where your current creative work or project requires a commitment from you in order to keep growing, as if your Muse keeps asking, “Are […]

Give a Final Push to Get Those Creative Projects Out There

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 11/25/2013 Theme, 8 of Wands. Wands is the element of fire, spirit, creativity, career, work. 8 is a number that is almost there. Time to give that final push to projects, to prepare for lift-off for that next phase in your creative work. Focus, 8 of Swords. But before […]

Focus on the Destination for your Creative Work

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 1/7/2013. Theme, The Chariot: This card is often understood as speed with success. BUT, to achieve that, you have to know where you want your chariot to go. What is the destination you are heading toward? The clearer you are about where you want to […]