Champion Your Creative Work

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 1/19/2015 Theme, Knight of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, feelings, dreams, intuitions and creativity. The Knight is the one who serves and protects the realm with all the resources and training he has at hand. This week, look for opportunities to champion […]

Are Your Tools Your Rules?

At the recent Writer’s Digest Annual Conference, Tim Grahl, author and book marketer for well-known authors like Dan Pink, spoke about building platform and connecting authentically with readers. He advised his listeners to not confuse the tools of social media with being the rules. I straightened in my seat when I heard that because several […]

Ode to a Detroit Van

After nine years, our reliable Chrysler Town and Country van is giving up the ghost. Although the engine is still solid, the body is rusting and other maladies afflict it. We are so ready for a new car. Still, I’ll be sad to see the van go. That van was the third of three vans […]

Is it Time to Spring Clean Your Creativity?

Spring is finally here. And just like the birds preparing to build nests, first there is some cleaning out to do. If you live in the Northeast , you are probably throwing open the windows and doors to let in the fresh air. You may already be cleaning and putting away those heavy winter coats […]

Are You Well-Equipped to Do Your Creative Work?

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 9/23/2013 Theme, Knight of Wands. To be of service, the Knight goes through a period of training, developing skills and acquiring the tools, equipment and resources he needs to do his job. Wands is the element of fire, spirit, creativity, career, work. This week, take […]

Stop! Connect with your Inner Vision Before you Set those Goals…

Creating a business plan for the 2013 is important and necessary if you want to be successful whether you are a professional writer, artist, performer, coach, or healer. But, planning for your business and/or your creative work has to start from within. Clarity about your Inner Vision gives you clarity about where you want to […]

Creative Resources and Tools in Place?

Tarot Focus, Knight of Wands.  8/29/12. Do you have the creative resources, equipment and tools you need to go out into the world with your creative work? Do you have the passion and energy you need? What about your confidence and determination? Hard to get out there and be of service and fight for your […]