Journals and Journaling—For Enjoying Your Holiday Season

Journal writing can provide a unique channel of creativity for all of us, whether or not we are artist by profession. It invites the free play of imagination, intuition, and desire, demanding only—and nothing less than—authentic expression. ~ Marlene A. Schiwy ~ Journals are the place to weave the dreams of the future, dreams that […]

Creating Boosts Your Well-Being

Art is not a luxury but a necessity ~ Rebecca West ~ As creative beings we yearn to create — write, doodle, paint, color, knit, (fill in your fave art-y activity here), but it’s difficult to make the time. Creating for the fun of it is often on the bottom of the to-do list or […]

5 Ways to Use Music for your Writing

Where words fail, music speaks. ~ Hans Christian Andersen Our youngest son, Jason, is visiting for several weeks while he and his dad work on restoring a ’69 MGB-GT, a fun project for father and son. When not working on the car, and at home in Los Angeles, Jason is a professional musician, composing his […]