Be Patient with Your Creative Process and Project
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 3/1/2021 Theme, 7 of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of anything physical, home, health, wealth, anything you can touch, taste, or feel. Seven is a number of action or the contemplation of it. Here the farmer stands observing and waiting for the grain and […]
Are You Hatching or Smashing?
The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it. Arnold H. Glasow, business man and humorist I have a new respect for caregivers, professional and otherwise, after spending a week providing care and support to my 85-year-old maternal aunt who recently returned home, after surgery and […]
Ready to Turn Up the Heat?
Fire is a good companion for the mind. ~ May Sarton ~ Fire. Not the element you’d normally associate with spring. And yet, if it wasn’t for the heat, the fire of that ever-nearing sun warming the Northern Hemisphere, snow and ice wouldn’t melt and fill the rivers, and lakes. And the moisture in the […]
Is Water in Your Writing?
We all end in the ocean We all start in the streams We’re all carried along By the river of dreams In the middle of the night ~Billy Joel, River of Dreams~ In classical Greek thought and other ancient world philosophies, it was believed that the simplest parts that made up the world were the […]
Writing Process Blog Hop
Thank you to friend and writing sister, Win Day, for the invitation to participate in this writing blog hop. Win is a writer, a speaker, a strategist, and a geek. Her company, Creative Implementations, offers lifestyle business strategies and WordPress development and technical maintenance services to creatives and heart-centered entrepreneurs. She’s writing her very first […]
Do You Have a Partner for your Creative Path?
Whether it’s the image of starving artist in the garret, or the wildly successful artist who lives in a world of constant creation and work, the one thing both of these images have in common is the artist alone. Creatives do need frequent doses of silence and solitude in order to be able to listen […]
Is Your Muse a Chatty Cathy?
Creative friends and clients often complain that getting connected to their Muses and staying connected is an ongoing challenge, especially when in the middle of a book or project. But once in a while, a client has a Muse who is a Chatty Cathy. Chatty Cathy, a doll that was manufactured from 1959 to 1965 […]
What’s Your CROI?
What is ROI? Return On Investment. In the broadest sense, for bankers, angel investors and financiers, ROI is the measure of profitability of an investment, and the definition of profitability can vary depending on the goals of the investor. Add Creative to the front of that and you have CROI, creative return on investment. Why […]
Are Your Creative Expectations Too High?
Sometimes the biggest challenge to our ability to function creatively and enjoy the process, is the high level of expectations we put on ourselves and the creative project. If you are in the process of birthing and raising a creative project and you’ve set your expectations high: Acknowledge that perfection is NOT the goal. The […]