New Moon, New Chapter, New Book?

Today is a New Moon in Scorpio. Three words that express the energy of Scorpio are sex, death, and transformation. Those words, in one way or another, signify loss and change. To experience the true power and intimacy of sex, you must allow your boundaries, your sense of self to blur, soften and disappear. There […]

Creativity is Change—Stay Centered

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, JUNE 13, 2015 Theme, Wheel of Fortune. A Major Arcana card, the Wheel is all about change and time. So is creativity, which is all about change and time. Jupiter, the big benefic that makes everything grander and larger, is a sign of good fortune. So, if things have […]

Ready to Take Off the Girdle?

First there was the corset (now making an interesting comeback), then there was the girdle, and now there is SPANX®. All the ways over the centuries that women have tried to push and pull themselves into a shape that society deems attractive, proper and stylish. Recently, I coached a number of women who took me […]