Empathy–The Gift of Story

I believe that stories are incredibly important, possibly in ways we don’t understand… in giving us empathy and in creating the world that we live in. ~ Neil Gaiman ~ Even though it is a new year, the struggle to live with and make sense of the world and its current political and social challenges […]

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall—and Other Reflections

What dynamite we handle when we lift a mirror or bend towards one! Elizabeth Coatsworth, Personal Geography Whenever I read tarot for new clients, I tell them that the reading is a mirror, providing perspective and clarity on the direction and challenges of their concerns. We know that the future is determined by past actions […]

Who Is Your Mirror?

One of the games that my 10-month old grandson loves to play is when I hold him in front of the mirror, pointing first to me and saying, “Grandma” and then to him, saying, “Andrew.” Then I wave at him. “Hi, Andrew!” Big grin. Looks at me, looks at the mirror. Repeat. I’ve been playing […]