A Creative Phase Completed. What’s Next?
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for 4/22/2013. Theme, The World. A phase or part of your creative journey has been completed successfully. Time to look at where you are and what you need to do to move your career or your work up into that next level of development and expression. A new phase, […]
Are Worries or Dreams Your Creative Night Life?
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 4/15/2013. Theme, 9 of Swords. These Swords (thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, communication) are waking you up at night…are they worries or dreams? For this week, prepare yourself for sleep in a way that supports your creative night life. Cleanse your space and your mind. Do a brain dump of ideas […]
What or Who Lies Hidden Beneath your Bed?
In my dream, I am away from home, sleeping in a strange bed. During the night, I was frightened, like a child, by the sense of something under the bed. In the light of day, I decide to brave up. I get down on the floor, reclining on my right side with my feet towards […]
Are You Doing a Carly Simon?
Anticipation, anticipation/ Is makin’ me late/Is keepin’ me waitin’ ~ Carly Simon Do you remember being a child excitedly counting down the days until Christmas or some other special holiday? Do you remember the fluttery feeling in your tummy the first time you went out on a date with a new person? Or waited to […]
Two Small Ways You Can Better Communicate About Your Creative Work
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the Week of 2/11/2013. Theme, Page of Swords. This week, keep looking for two ways you can communicate to your community, tribe, audience about your creative work. Maybe the two ways are ones you’ve only dabbled in before but might pay off if you really put some energy […]
Are You Destroying the Creative Impulse in your Business?
Keeping busy” is the remedy for all the ills in America. It’s also the means by which the creative impulse is destroyed. ? Joyce Carol Oates It’s a New Year and like many other creative and spiritual entrepreneurs, I am creating this year’s plan for my business. Having a plan for your creative business, whether […]
Are You Committing to Your Creative Work?
Monday Message from the Muse for the week of 10/22/2012. Theme for the week is the Four of Wands. Wands is the suit of creativity, the creativity that is passionate, active, focused, intentional. Four is the number of stability. For me this card is about the importance of commitment. When we commit to something we […]
Get Ready to Receive Creative Insights from the Blue Moon
Tarot Action, The Moon 8/28/12. We have a Blue Moon coming up in three days but you may be feeling the effects of it already. A Blue Moon is a second full moon in the same month. It is a Pisces Full Moon as well, so it is time to see the big picture of […]
You Are the Creative Channel
Tarot Gift, The Lovers. 8/24/12. Look for those moments today, when you become the clear channel for your Muse, for divine inspiration. By both receiving and then acting on those inspirations, you empower you creative work or business. The more you open to your Muse, the more ideas and insights will flow through.