Being a Fool for your Creative Work—In Honor of Ciro Marchetti

The Tarot is divided into two parts, the Major Arcana (Secrets) and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana has 22 cards that are numbered from 0 to 21. Zero, in the Major Arcana, is the Fool. It is the Fool that travels from the number one card, The Magician, to the last card, The World, […]

Are You a Good Parent…for Your Creative Work?

Raising children is like baking bread: it has to be a slow process or you end up with an overdone crust and an underdone interior. ~ Madeline Cox Last week, I spent hours every day on my feet, in a chair, but mostly on the floor trying to come up with ways to entertain my […]

Are You Blocking Dream Messages?

Many people pray and receive the answer to their prayers, but ignore them—or deny them, because the answers didn’t come in the expected form. ~ Sophy Burnham Answers that don’t come in the expected form are something I warn people about all the time when I am teaching them how to incubate dreams. Incubating a […]

Is Time Moving You Away from Your Creative Dreams?

Time was a river, not a log to be sawed into lengths. ~ Margaret A. Robinson, author In the past five weeks, Bob and I marked our 39th wedding anniversary, and I marked my 60th birthday. Milestones to be sure. So, obviously, the passage of time has been a dominant theme on my mind lately. […]

Do You Take Your Creative Work Out for Dinner and a Dance?

Do You Take Your Creative Work Out for Dinner and a Dance? I witnessed part of an interesting ritual the other night. No, it wasn’t on the History Channel or in the National Geographic. It was in a restaurant near my aunt’s home where I am staying while helping out my son and daughter-in-law with […]

Are Your Creative Expectations Too High?

Sometimes the biggest challenge to our ability to function creatively and enjoy the process, is the high level of expectations we put on ourselves and the creative project.  If you are in the process of birthing and raising a creative project and you’ve set your expectations high: Acknowledge that perfection is NOT the goal.  The […]