Empathy–The Gift of Story

I believe that stories are incredibly important, possibly in ways we don’t understand… in giving us empathy and in creating the world that we live in. ~ Neil Gaiman ~ Even though it is a new year, the struggle to live with and make sense of the world and its current political and social challenges […]

The Creative Power of Empathy

Empathy, the least comfortable of human emotions. ~Frances Gray Patton~ An important technique of fiction writing is Deep POV (Point of View). This technique uses the third person point of view in such a way that the reader feels as if she is inside the person’s head—or heart—for that scene. Which means, as you read, […]

What’s Your Survival Story?

There is often in people to whom “the worst” has happened an almost transcendent freedom, for they have faced “the worst” and survived it. ~ Carol Pearson Like me, you’ve probably seen numerous people going about daily life from the seat of a wheel chair, or the back of a 4-legged walker. I always felt […]