Quaking & Shaking in Your Writing?

We learn geology the morning after the earthquake. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Earth. The element of certainty and security. It’s the ground we walk on, the home we live in (whose foundations are planted in the ground), the income (coins) we earn. The food we eat, and the health of our bodies. But the Earth […]

Is Water in Your Writing?

We all end in the ocean We all start in the streams We’re all carried along By the river of dreams In the middle of the night ~Billy Joel, River of Dreams~ In classical Greek thought and other ancient world philosophies, it was believed that the simplest parts that made up the world were the […]

Tend to Your Creative Harvest

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 12/8/2014 Theme, 7 of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of the physical such as home, health, wealth. Seven is that number of introspection, contemplation, focus. Here, the focus is on the harvest. What is ready to gather, what still needs tending. This week, pay […]