Focus on Your Creative Destination, Not Your Fears

MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/12/2020 Theme, 6 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. Six is one step past that point of conflict and challenge and now you are ready to move forward toward your destination. Like the woman standing in the […]

What is the Destination for Your Creative Work?

MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/27/2020 Theme, The Chariot. This Major Arcana card urges you to be aware of where you want to go this week. What is the destination for your creative work? The Charioteer stands confident, her hands lightly on the reins, because she sees her path clearly. It doesn’t matter if […]

Focus on the Destination, Not the Doubts

MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 1/13/2020 Theme, 6 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communications. Here, though you travel deep into your mind and imagination for your creative work, keep your eye on the end goal for your work so that you don’t […]

Don’t Get Pulled Off Your Creative Path

MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/21/2019 Theme, The Chariot. This Major Arcana card suggests success with speed, but success is only arrived at if you don’t get pulled off your creative path by competing goals. As the charioteer, be clear about where you want you and your creative work to go, and what your […]

Focus on Your Creative Goals

MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 11/7/2016 Theme, 6 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. This week, be aware of where you tend to worry about your work or doubt your directions and abilities. Bring your mind back to your creative goals. Trust […]

Be the Master of those Creative Emotions

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 10/31/2016 Theme, King of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of emotions, dreams, intuition, and creativity. The King is the master of the element.This week, be aware of where and when you need to master emotions that otherwise might overwhelm you, especially when you are […]

Focus on the Destination for your Creative Work

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 1/7/2013. Theme, The Chariot: This card is often understood as speed with success. BUT, to achieve that, you have to know where you want your chariot to go. What is the destination you are heading toward? The clearer you are about where you want to […]