Keep Creative Balance & Focus on Practicalities
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 9/19/2022. Theme, 2 of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, wealth, and anything physical. Two is a number of choice, decision, partnership and balance. Here, the Fool balances carefully on their bicycle by holding a large coin in each arm, but their […]
Focus on the Practical Details of Your Creative Work
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 7/20/2020 Theme, 2 of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, and wealth, anything physical. Two is a number of choice, decision, partnership and balance. This Fool is well-balanced on his bicycle, pedaling along on top of the water. His focus is on […]
Don’t Let Criticism about Your Creative Work Immobilize You
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, July 7,2017 Theme, 10 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. Be prepared this week and decide now not to let criticism about your creative work immobilize you. Let it, instead, push and challenge you to keep improving. […]
Claim Royal Confidence & Power
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 8/31/2015 Theme, King of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication (especially writing). The king is the royal person who has the authority to make decisions, and does so from a place of seeing the big picture and having […]
Quaking & Shaking in Your Writing?
We learn geology the morning after the earthquake. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Earth. The element of certainty and security. It’s the ground we walk on, the home we live in (whose foundations are planted in the ground), the income (coins) we earn. The food we eat, and the health of our bodies. But the Earth […]
Be Passionate about Your Creative Work
MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 3/9/2015 Theme, Queen of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. The Queen has power to nurture others as well as herself. This week, look where you are called or challenged to be fiercely passionate and courageous about your creative […]
Celebrate Your Creativity
Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 9/15/14 Theme, The Empress. A Major Arcana card, so lots of energy, which is apparent from the abundant life that fills this card. This week, be aware of your creative power, your ability to bring to life so much beauty and abundance. You are the source. Claim it. Focus, […]
Feeling Pressured? It Could Be Pluto…
In the last few weeks, I’ve had conversations with clients and friends who are experiencing a lot of stress and challenge in their lives and in their creative work. Sleepless nights, accidents, a restless sense of something not just right… And it’s no wonder because Pluto, the planet of depth and desire, death and transformation, […]