Move Forward with Creative Confidence

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 11/14/2016 Theme, 6 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, work. This card encourages creative confidence and optimism this week. Build on past successes for future ones. You’ve done it before, you can do it again. Focus, 6 of Swords. Swords […]

Shine Like a Star with Your Creative Work

MONDAY’S TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 8/22/2016 Theme, The Star. This Major Arcana card is all about shining your light because when you are the star in your creative work, you not only serve yourself but others. When you succeed in your creativity, you show others what is possible. It is no small thing to […]

Weave Together Creative Opportunities

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse, 12/29/2014 Theme, 2 of Wands. Wands is the element of fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. Two is often about choices and balance. This week, instead of believing you have to choose one or the other creative project or opportunity or expression, ask a different […]

Finish Up & Get Ready for the New Creative Project

Monday Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 5/20/2013. Theme, 4 of Cups. This week, it’s time to finish up those projects you’ve been working on that are near completion so you have room in your schedule and your energy for the new project that is rising up from your heart…the dream, the […]

Stop! Connect with your Inner Vision Before you Set those Goals…

Creating a business plan for the 2013 is important and necessary if you want to be successful whether you are a professional writer, artist, performer, coach, or healer. But, planning for your business and/or your creative work has to start from within. Clarity about your Inner Vision gives you clarity about where you want to […]

Turning Creative Failure into Future Success

Recently, I had a Tea and Scones party and sale. That is, I intended to have one. I sent out invitations to friends and neighbors in our village environs. With hubby’s help, I cleaned, baked, decorated, and wove scarves. I served three kinds of scones and vanilla and cinnamon sugared almonds, along with a pot […]

Create with Heartfelt Confidence and Care

Monday’s Tarot Message from the Muse for week of 11/19/2012. Theme, Queen of Cups. This Queen is all about helping others feel good, nurturing their dreams, their love of beauty. She’s Venus/Aphrodite rising from the sea. You are the Queen, bearer of creativity and beauty. Through your own creative confidence and love, you offer others […]

Are You Letting Creative Disappointment Immobilize You?

Monday Tarot Message from the Muse for the week of 11/5/2012. Theme for the week, 5 of Cups: See how the woman sits with her back against the wall, her knees drawn up and her arms crossed about her body protectively? See how she holds tightly to those two remaining cups while three others lie […]

Creating Beauty in your World with your Creative Work

Monday Message from the Muse.  9/3/12. The theme for this week, 9 of Coins, is creating beauty in the world for yourself and others through your creative work–whether you write, paint, sing, coach, heal–you create beauty for others and, through that, for yourself. So focus first on how your own thoughts and beliefs may keep […]

Get Ready to Receive Creative Insights from the Blue Moon

Tarot Action, The Moon   8/28/12. We have a Blue Moon coming up in three days but you may be feeling the effects of it already. A Blue Moon is a second full moon in the same month. It is a Pisces Full Moon as well, so it is time to see the big picture of […]