Restless? Ready for Creative Growth?
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 11/11/24 Theme, 5 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career and work. Five is a point of conflict or challenge. Pay attention this week to when you feel restless, unsettled, perhaps even bored while creating. It may be a sign that […]
Help Others See Clearly the Beauty & Value of Your Creative Work
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 8/5/2024 Theme, Queen of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. The Queen is the mistress of the element, and here, she wants you to understand the importance of clear, sharp, forthright communication. This week, help others see clearly […]
Practice Leads to Creative Growth
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 2/5/2024 Theme, Page of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth, in the realm of home, health, wealth, and anything physical. The Page is the enthusiastic messenger, the one eager to learn and grow. And this Page shows up for the second week in a row in this position. […]
Take Courageous Charge of Your Creative Path
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 8/7/23 Theme, Knight of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. The Knight is one who has the tools, training, and equipment to do the job. The Knight of Swords reminds you to take courageous charge of your creative […]
Breakdown of Your Creative Comfort Zone
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 5/15/2023 Theme, The Tower This Major Arcana card is about destruction but with purpose, to liberate you from old structures, patterns, and foundations, and transform you or the current situation. This shake up of your old ways of creating allows for new creative directions in your work, or new […]
Restless? Practice Patience in Your Creative Work
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/17/2023 Theme, Knight of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in the realm of spirit, creativity, career, and work. The Knight is the champion, the one trained to serve and protect the realm, the one with the tools and equipment to do what is needed and desired. This […]
Be Honest with Yourself and Your Creative Work
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 4/3/2023 Theme, 7 of Swords. Swords is the element of Air in the realm of mind, thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and communication. Seven is a number of action or of contemplation of action. This week, look for moments when you need to be honest with yourself about what you want […]
Creative Diligence Brings Rewards
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 2/20/2023 Theme, 10 of Coins. Coins is the element of Earth in the realm of home, health, wealth, or anything physical. Ten is a number between completion and beginning again, and an intensity or abundance of the suit. After all the hard work and persistence, your creative diligence brings […]
Restless? Face a Creative Challenge.
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 2/6/2023 Theme, 5 of Wands. Wands is the element of Fire in realm of spirit, creativity, career and work. Five is a number of challenge and conflict. If you are feeling restless and having a hard time getting any creative work done, maybe it’s because you need to face […]
Open to Creative Flow for a New Project
MONDAY TAROT MESSAGE FROM THE MUSE, 1/2/2023 Theme, Ace of Cups. Cups is the element of Water in the realm of heart, emotions, dreams, intuition, and creativity. Ace is the beginning, the seed holding all the potential of the suit. For this first week of the new year, you are encouraged to open to creative […]