Writing or creativity of any kind is a mysterious process, a journey into deep and unchartered waters. What you need is a compass… the Tarot.


Open Your Arms to Receive

Tarot Gift for March 5, 2012. It’s so interesting to have this card in the gift position. The man certainly doesn’t look like he wants to give you anything. But if you are the man on the card…and the Universe wants to give you a gift, a reward for all

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Welcome to the New Blog and Site!

I am so pleased and excited to welcome you to my newly redesigned website and blog. For many reasons, this has been a year-long process, but as the site developed so did my clarity around what I do well, how I do it and whom I do it for… So

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5 Lessons on Creativity to Learn from “The King’s Speech”

Friday night, Bob and I watched the movie, “The King’s Speech.” In spite of several important historical misrepresentations, the movie is a powerful story about King George VI’s struggle to conquer his stammer at a time when the popularity of radio was changing how governments communicated with their populace. One

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Reclaiming Sacred Time for Rest and Renewal

This past weekend, I sat at lunch with some tarot friends and colleagues, listening to a discussion about the evergreen issue of overwhelm and time management. One woman mentioned that she’s developed a practice of taking one day a week to do nothing, not even get dressed or engage with

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Fame or Fortune? Is That a Trick Question?

Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question. ~ e. e. cummings During a writers retreat that I hosted recently, I was talking about my writing and work, including the People Magazine piece, one of the writers asked me… “Do you want fame or fortune?” For a few

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Are You Practicing Deep Listening with Your Muse?

So when you are listening to somebody, completely, attentively, then you are listening not only to the words, but also to the feeling of what is being conveyed, to the whole of it, not part of it. ~Krishnamurti Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. When we

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